Category: Airway

Slee­p apnea and depression are­ two big health problems. They ofte­n happen together. About 20% of pe­ople with sleep apne­a also have depression. If sle­ep apnea is not treate­d, it can make you 2.5 times more like­ly to get depression. And de­pression can make slee­p apnea worse, which makes it hard to ge­t better. The...

Are you tired of feeling exhausted every morning, despite spending hours in bed? If you're constantly battling fatigue, snoring heavily, and waking up frequently at night, you might be one of the many people suffering from sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)—a condition that disrupts the lives of over a billion individuals globally. SDB not only steals your...

Hey there, folks! Dr. Jamielynn Hanam-Jahr here, and today I want to talk about a topic that's near and dear to my heart: sleep apnea. As a dentist, I see firsthand how this condition can wreak havoc on people's lives, leaving them exhausted, irritable, and at risk for serious health problems down the road. But...

Why is dental sleep medicine important and why you should know? You know that feeling when you're completely exhausted, but just can't seem to fall asleep no matter what? Or maybe you conk out just fine, but then spend the whole night tossing, turning, and waking up in a puddle of sweat. Insomnia, sleep apnea,...

I'll never forget that feeling of being a total zombie day after day. Coworkers started calling me "The Walking Dead" because of my constant vacant stare and inability to stay awake in meetings. Little did I know, my exhaustion wasn't from burning the midnight oil - it was because I spent every night battling my...

You know that feeling when you can't quite keep your eyes open and a big yawn tries to escape? Well, that was pretty much my life as a kid. I was the queen of mouth breathing and loud snoring. My poor parents! They must have wondered if I'd ever sleep through the night without sounding...

Is that uncomfortable feeling in your throat making swallowing a challenge again? I understand; swollen, painful tonsils are unpleasant. However, your tonsils might be sending you a crucial health message. Read on to discover what your body could be indicating and the hidden dangers of persistently swollen tonsils. That Annoying Scratchy Sensation Could Signal an...

Are you thinking about getting sleep apnea oral appliances because you're struggling with sleepless nights and groggy mornings? A sleep apnea oral appliance from Beverly Hills Aesthetic Dentistry might be the solution you need. Imagine settling into bed only to wake up feeling just as exhausted as when you lay down. It could be sleep...

Ever felt like chronic allergies were taking over your life? If you've ever battled a constant runny nose, non-stop sneezing, or those annoying teary eyes, you know the drill. But what many might not understand is that chronic allergies go beyond mere nasal symptoms—they can drastically affect your breathing as well. The Hidden Impact of...

Are you struggling finding the best CPAP alternative for sleep apnea? You’re not alone since millions of people struggle with it all around the world. However, you shouldn’t just ignore the health condition as it can create a major impact on the quality of your life. This is where you should look for sleep apnea...

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