Mouth Breathing and Its Link to Sleep Apnea

You know that feeling when you can't quite keep your eyes open and a big yawn tries to escape? Well, that was pretty much my life as a kid. I was the queen of mouth breathing and loud snoring. My poor parents! They must have wondered if I'd ever sleep through the night without sounding like a freight train.

Mouth Breathing; What You Need To Know

So what exactly is mouth breathing? Basically, it means you're breathing primarily through your mouth instead of your nose. It's actually super common, especially in little ones. Sometimes it's just a bad habit. Other times it can be caused by allergies, large tonsils or adenoids blocking the airways, or even issues with jaw development.


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Why Do We Mouth Breathe?

You might be thinking - "Sure, I get that mouth breathing leads to sleep issues. But why do people become mouth breathers in the first place?"

Great question! For many of us, the mouth breathing habit stems from one seemingly innocent root cause: a narrowed nasal airway.

See, when our nasal passages are overly constricted from a young age, getting enough air in through the nose is like trying to drink a milkshake through one of those skinny coffee straws. Not easy!

This nasal obstruction forces us to keep our mouths open to breathe easier. And before you know it, that open-mouthed posture becomes a hard habit to break.

But here's the kicker - mouth breathing itself can actually make our jaws and airways even narrower over time. It's a vicious cycle!

When we regularly bypass nasal breathing as youngsters, our upper and lower jaws don't receive the normal muscle activations and oral posturing to grow properly. This leads to a narrowed, cramped airway space as we get older.

And as we've learned, a constricted, crowded airway is the perfect recipe for those nightly breath stoppages and snoring fits linked to obstructive sleep apnea. The human body is amazing, but it's not designed to inhale and exhale unobstructed through just the mouth long-term.

So while allergies, large tonsils, or structural issues can start the mouth breathing domino effect, the real root problem often traces back to a poorly developed nasal cavity and jaw anatomy. And of course, those stubborn mouth breathing habits we pick up along the way only compound the airway issues.

Does this hit a little too close to home? Don't worry, there are solutions...

mouth breathing

The Not-So-Obvious Sleep Apnea Link

Snorers Unite!

We mouth breathers have to stick together because our nighttime habits could be more than just noisy - they may be a red flag for symptoms of sleep apnea. This condition causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep due to airway obstruction. It's like trying to breathe through one of those paper cocktail straws all night. No wonder you always feel worn out!

Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea

I know, I know...Sleep apnea almost sounds made up. But this nighttime breathing issue is no joke! When your body is constantly being deprived of oxygen, it can really do a number on your health, including:

  • Constant fatigue (from all those wake-ups)
  • Difficulty concentrating (maybe that's why I struggled in math class...)
  • Increased risk of heart disease and stroke (yikes!)
  • More likelihood of developing other conditions like diabetes

The bottom line? Getting quality, uninterrupted sleep is crucial. Prolonged sleep apnea can seriously mess with your well-being if left untreated.

Traditional Treatment Options

For years, the CPAP machines have been the gold standard for treating sleep apnea. They provide a constant flow of air to keep your airways open while you snooze. The problem? You're pretty much married to that machine for life.


Sleep apnea test beverly hills ca



Oral Appliances - The Less Bulky Alternative

These customized mouthpieces reposition your jaw slightly forward to prevent your airway from collapsing. They're less cumbersome than CPAP, but can cause jaw discomfort and still require nightly use.

The Game-Changing Vivos Method

What if I told you there's a treatment that could actually widen your airway from the inside out? Crazy, right? But that's exactly what the Vivos method does using a set of custom-made removable oral appliances.

  • It's like giving your airway a permanent makeover
  • No machines, masks or complicated contraptions required
  • You just pop in the appliance for 12-16 hours a day (naps count!)

By gradually expanding your upper jaw and nasal breathing passages, the Vivos method treats the root cause - not just the symptoms.

And get this - the Vivos method just got the FDA green light to treat even severe cases of sleep apnea! They're the only oral appliance company to reach that level of clearance. That's a huge win for those of us who'd rather skip invasive surgeries or being tethered to a CPAP for life.


The road to restorative, peaceful sleep doesn't have to involve bulky machines or risky surgeries. With the Vivos oral appliance therapy, you can finally wave goodbye to sleep apnea and rediscover what it feels like to wake up refreshed and recharged.

If you're ready to invest in your sleep quality and long-term health, Dr. Jamielyn Hanam-Jahr of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Dentistry is leading the way in delivering this revolutionary treatment. As a Vivos-trained expert, Dr. Hanam-Jahr has helped countless patients reclaim their slumber and put an end to chronic fatigue.

Act Now!

Millions toss and turn nightly, battling the disruptive effects of sleep apnea. Snoring, chronic fatigue, and an increased disease risk plague their everyday lives. It's a struggle we've witnessed firsthand, but you don't have to resign yourself to this fate.

At Beverly Hills Aesthetic Dentistry, led by Dr. Jamielyn Hanam-Jahr, we offer the revolutionary Vivos oral appliance therapy to treat even severe sleep apnea cases. No more bulky machines or invasive surgeries!

  1. Consultation
  2. Custom Oral Appliance
  3. Life-Changing Relief

Reclaim restorative sleep and renewed vitality by scheduling your Vivos consultation with Dr. Hanam-Jahr today at (310) 276-2088.

Schedule a free consultation today!


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How is Vivos different from a regular oral appliance?

Unlike standard mouthpieces, the Vivos appliances actually remodel the airway anatomy over time through gentle repositioning of the jaws and soft tissues. This provides a more permanent solution for adult OSA and pediatric sleep apnea.

Is the treatment uncomfortable or painful?

Not at all! The appliances are custom-made from impressions to ensure a comfortable, secure fit. Most patients easily adapt within a couple of weeks.

How long does Vivos treatment take?

Treatment duration is different for every patient based on their anatomy, age, and the severity of their sleep disorder. However, most cases require 12-24 months of daytime/nighttime wear.

Will I need to use a CPAP after Vivos treatment?

For the majority of patients, the Vivos method eliminates their need for CPAP by restoring natural, unobstructed breathing. However, severe cases may still require supplemental airflow at night.

Is this procedure covered by insurance?

Many insurance providers offer coverage for oral appliance therapy used to treat sleep apnea and airway issues. Our team works closely with you to maximize any available benefits.

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