Dentist Beverly Hills CA for A Better Smile

You may have looking for a Dentist Beverly Hills CA lately.

Raise your hand if you miss the knockout smile you had back in your twenties!

You know, the one so bright it lit up the room. The one where your pearly whites beamed flawlessly in every photo.

Yes, we feel you. It seems like only yesterday we had those picture-perfect grins. happened.

Coffee. Wine. Late nights. Teeth grinding. Maybe pregnancy for the ladies. Father time just has a way of taking its toll on our smiles.

Before you know it, those glorious teeth have dulled, stained, chipped, and shifted out of whack.

But here’s the great news - you CAN turn back the clock on your smile thanks to leading Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Jamielyn Hanam-Jahr.


beverly hills dentist


Say Goodbye to Discolored Teeth with Dentist Beverly Hills CA

Over time, consuming dark liquids like coffee, tea, cola and red wine invariably stain our tooth enamel. The gradual yellowing robs our smiles of their luminous, pearly white luster. 

But, it’s actually fixable with teeth whitening!

Dr. Hanam-Jahr offers professional strength Zoom! whitening to safely remove years of discoloration buildup in one appointment. Custom take-home trays provide touch-ups. Your glowing, perfect smile will be soon restored!

Repair Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Chips and cracks from crunching hard foods or grinding your teeth at night not only appear unsightly, they allow decay-causing bacteria to infiltrate. 

Dr. Hanam-Jahr artfully repairs chips using tooth-colored composite resin for a seamless, undetectable look. The bonded resin is polished to a durable, stain-resistant finish that matches surrounding teeth. 

Realign and Straighten with Clear Braces

Gradual tooth shifting over time often leads to crooked or crowded smiles. While conventional braces effectively realign teeth, Invisalign clear aligners offer a more subtle, comfortable option without unsightly metal. TAKE OUR INVISALIGN QUIZ to see if Invisalign is for you!

You'll enjoy the following benefits:

  • Clear trays blend in with your natural teeth
  • Removable for eating, brushing, and flossing
  • More hygienic than metal braces
  • Shorter treatment time - as little as 6 months
  • Less pain and discomfort

The custom-molded, transparent aligners are removable for eating and cleaning. Teeth gently straighten over an average of 6-12 months.


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Close Gaps between Teeth with Veneers

Gaps between front teeth interrupt smiles and make teeth appear smaller and uneven. But porcelain veneers bonded by Dr. Hanam-Jahr correct gaps seamlessly. She meticulously crafts thin veneers from translucent porcelain to look perfectly natural. 

You'll enjoy the following benefits:

  • Clear trays blend in with your natural teeth
  • Removable for eating, brushing, and flossing
  • More hygienic than metal braces
  • Shorter treatment time - as little as 6 months
  • Less pain and discomfort

Gaps close, symmetry is restored and your smile becomes complete.

Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Are you missing teeth due to injury, decay, or gum disease? A gap-toothed smile can make you look older and feel self-conscious. Dental implants restore fuller, more youthful smiles by replacing tooth roots with small titanium posts fused to your jawbone. Custom-made crowns attach to the posts for natural-looking artificial teeth.

Dental Implants offer advantages over dentures and bridges:

  • Permanent, stable solution looks and functions like real teeth
  • Stimulates bone growth to prevent bone loss in the jaw
  • Allows chewing of hard or sticky foods comfortably
  • No need to remove for cleaning or sleep
  • Improves facial contours for a rejuvenated appearance

With implants, you can speak, eat, and laugh with total confidence again.  TAKE OUR DENTAL IMPLANTS QUIZ to see if you're a candidate for dental implants.

Achieve Your Dream Smile with Smile Makeovers

At Beverly Hills Aesthetic Dentistry, we know that you want to reclaim the radiant, confident smile of your youth. In order to do that, you need effective, personalized dental care. The problem is the natural wear and tear of life, such as coffee stains, late nights, and natural aging, which has dimmed your once-bright smile, making you feel self-conscious and nostalgic for your younger days. We believe everyone deserves to feel proud of their smile, without reservation.

We understand how daunting it can feel to seek dental restoration, which is why Dr. Jamielyn Hanam-Jahr offers state-of-the-art treatments with empathy and expertise.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Restore your natural whiteness with professional Zoom! whitening.
  • Repair and reshape with tooth-colored composites and veneers.
  • Realign and revitalize your smile with Invisalign and dental implants.

So, book your consultation with us today. And in the meantime, explore our website to learn more about how our services can transform your smile.

So you can stop hiding your smile in photos and social gatherings, and instead step into every room with confidence, proudly showing off a smile that truly reflects the vibrant you.


beverly hills dentist



What Treatments Do You Do?

Dental Crowns: Durable and aesthetic solutions for damaged or weakened teeth.
Dentures: Custom-fitted for comfort, our dentures restore smiles and functionality.
Dental Implants: The gold standard for replacing missing teeth and preserving jaw health.
Sleep Apnea Treatment: Innovative options to improve your sleep quality and overall health.
Invisalign Braces: For all ages, to straighten and perfect your smile.
Veneers: Transform your smile with these custom, porcelain fronts for your teeth.
Teeth Whitening: Professional whitening services to brighten your smile safely and effectively.
TMJ Therapy: Minimally invasive technology for gum contouring and cavity treatment.
Aesthetic Dentistry: Transform your smile into something truly stunning!

Isn't professional teeth whitening unsafe or damaging to enamel?

Not at all! In-office whitening methods like Zoom are entirely safe when administered properly by a trained dentist like Dr. Hanam-Jahr. The whitening gel contains a very low concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which breaks up deep stains. The special light activates the ingredients without risking tooth or gum damage. Custom take-home trays ensure you receive the same proven results safely.

Do repaired chips and cracks get restained or rechipped easily?

With proper bonding technique, repaired chips and cracks are incredibly durable. Dr. Hanam-Jahr meticulously bonds composite resin in thin, even layers and custom sculpts staining and thickness. She cures each layer with a special light for optimal hardness. The resin she uses contains microscopic filler particles for strength. Properly repaired chips are stain, chip, and fracture resistant!

Can Invisalign work for complex bite issues like overbites?

Absolutely! Invisalign clear aligners use the same technology as full braces to address all types of alignment issues - including overbites, underbites, crossbites, and more. Through a series of custom trays worn in sequence, the aligners gradually shift teeth into proper position for a balanced, functional bite. The trays are removable for eating and cleaning. Treatment averages just 6-12 months.

Do dental veneers by Dentist Beverly Hills CA look fake or feel bulky?

Not when placed by a highly skilled cosmetic dentist like Dr. Hanam-Jahr! She uses the thinnest veneers possible and layers composite resin underneath for a seamless bond. The translucent porcelain has a gorgeous lifelike luster that seamlessly blends with your natural enamel. And veneers are meticulously contoured and sized to avoid a bulky, fake look. You'll forget you ever had them placed!

How long does it take dental implants to fuse with bone?

The titanium implant posts generally integrate and fuse securely with jawbone over 2-6 months. During this osseointegration period, the implant is immobile and able to handle bite pressure and chewing forces. Once fully integrated, Dr. Hanam-Jahr attaches custom crowns for a permanent, stable solution that looks and functions like a real tooth.

Let’s Talk!

Why continue living with dental flaws that hold your smile back from its full potential? Dr. Jamielyn Hanam-Jahr, leading Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, has the experience, artistry, and advanced technology to help you look and feel your very best. 

Take the first step and request your consultation now! Schedule your FREE consultation

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