CandidPro Clear Aligners or Invisalign?

Let’s be real—orthodontics has come a long way, and keeping up with the latest options can feel like a full-time job. Not too long ago, metal braces were the go-to for straightening teeth, but now, clear aligners have taken center stage. And just when you thought you had a handle on the options, CandidPro comes onto the scene, adding another choice to the mix.

You might be thinking, "Great, another clear aligner system—just what we needed, right?" But before you get overwhelmed, let’s take a closer look. CandidPro is certainly making waves, but how does it really stack up against the industry leader, Invisalign? If you’re trying to decide which clear aligner system is best for you, it’s time to weigh the pros and cons and see why Invisalign continues to be a top choice for both patients and orthodontists alike.

What is CandidPro?

CandidPro is a relatively new player in the world of clear aligners, offering an alternative to traditional braces and established brands like Invisalign. It’s designed to straighten teeth using a series of custom-made, removable aligners that gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. What sets CandidPro apart from other clear aligner systems is its primarily remote treatment model, which might sound convenient at first, but it’s important to understand how this approach works.

With CandidPro, you start with an initial in-person consultation to determine if you’re a good candidate for the treatment. After this, most of the process happens remotely. You’ll receive your aligners by mail, and your progress is monitored through regular virtual check-ins rather than in-office visits. This means fewer trips to the dentist, but it also means that your treatment might lack the hands-on oversight that can be crucial for achieving the best results.

CandidPro markets itself as a convenient and cost-effective option for adults seeking to improve their smiles, especially those with mild to moderate orthodontic issues. However, the trade-off for this convenience is the reduced level of personalized care and in-depth monitoring that you would get with a more established system like Invisalign. This makes CandidPro an option worth considering, but it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully—especially when your smile is at stake.

How CandidPro Differs from Invisalign

While both CandidPro and Invisalign offer clear aligners to straighten your teeth, the approach and experience they provide are quite different. CandidPro operates primarily through a remote treatment model, where after an initial consultation, your progress is monitored virtually. This might appeal to those looking for convenience, but it also means less direct interaction with your dentist, which could affect the precision and outcome of your treatment.

In contrast, Invisalign offers a more hands-on approach with regular in-person check-ins. This allows your dentist to make real-time adjustments, ensuring your treatment stays on track and delivers the best possible results. Additionally, Invisalign’s advanced technology, such as SmartTrack material and a broader range of treatment options, allows it to address more complex orthodontic cases effectively. This combination of personalized care and proven technology makes Invisalign a more comprehensive and reliable option for many patients.

What Are the Benefits with CandidPro?

First off, let's talk remote monitoring. Remember the days when patients would disappear for weeks, only to return with aligners that barely fit? CandidPro says "no more" to that nonsense. Their AI-powered system keeps tabs on patients between visits, flagging issues before they become, well, issues.

But here's the kicker - CandidPro puts orthodontists front and center. No shade to general dentists, but there's something to be said for specialist-led care. It's like having a master chef in the kitchen instead of a line cook. (No offense to line cooks, you guys rock!)

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Breaking Down the CandidPro Process

Alright, let's get into the nitty-gritty. It all starts with a good old-fashioned consultation. You know the drill - scan the teeth, take some photos, the usual song and dance.

But then things get interesting. Candid's AI gets to work, crunching numbers and plotting tooth movements like a dental Deep Blue. The result? A treatment plan that's more precise than your grandma's recipe for apple pie.

Once the plan gets the green light, Candid fires up the 3D printers. Before you know it, a box of custom aligners lands on your patient's doorstep. But don't think you're out of the picture just yet.

This is where CandidPro clear braces really flexes its muscles. Patients use their smartphones to send regular progress updates. It's like having a mini-me in every patient's bathroom, keeping an eye on things. Creepy? Maybe a little. Effective? You bet your last composite filling it is.

What's in It for Patients?

Patients love convenience. With CandidPro, they can track their progress without schlepping to the office every other week. It's like having an orthodontist in their pocket, minus the awkward small talk.

But here's the real kicker: faster treatment times. Now, I'm not saying it's magic, but CandidPro's constant monitoring means we can catch and correct issues pronto. No more waiting weeks to realize a tooth's gone rogue.

And let's be real - fewer office visits mean happier patients. They can focus on their lives instead of spending quality time in our waiting rooms. (Though I must say, our magazines are top-notch.)

What's in It for Us Dental Pros?

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Great for patients, but what about me?" Well, buckle up, because CandidPro's got some tricks up its sleeve for us too.

First off, it expands our treatment arsenal. It's like adding a shiny new tool to your kit - one that can handle a wide range of cases. Plus, it's a great option for those patients who'd rather eat a bowl of nails than wear traditional braces.

But here's where it gets really interesting: efficiency. CandidPro's remote monitoring means fewer emergency visits and smoother treatment progress. It's like having a dental crystal ball, letting you see (and solve) problems before they blow up.

And let's not forget about Candid's orthodontic network. It's like joining an exclusive club, but instead of fancy cocktails, you get access to a wealth of orthodontic expertise. Not too shabby, right?

Candid Pro clear aligners

The Not-So-Rosy Side

CandidPro isn't all rainbows and unicorns.

First up, it's not a cure-all. Some cases are just too complex for clear aligners, Candid or otherwise. It's like trying to fix a transmission with a toothbrush - sometimes, you need the heavy-duty tools.

Then there's the learning curve. Implementing any new system takes time and effort. It's like learning to ride a bike - expect a few wobbles before you're cruising smoothly.

Lastly, there's the elephant in the room: patient compliance. Remote monitoring is great, but it can't force patients to wear their aligners. It's like giving someone a gym membership - it only works if they actually use it.

CandidPro vs. Invisalign: Which is the Better Choice?

When it comes to clear aligners, both CandidPro and Invisalign offer solutions for straightening your teeth without the hassle of traditional braces. But when you dig a little deeper, the differences between the two start to become clear—and that’s where Invisalign truly shines.

Treatment Customization and Supervision CandidPro offers a mostly remote treatment experience. While this might sound convenient, it also means less direct oversight from an orthodontist. You’ll get your aligners after an initial consultation, but ongoing adjustments and monitoring are done remotely. This can work for some, but what if you run into issues or need adjustments that can’t be solved virtually?

Invisalign, on the other hand, prioritizes personalized care. Your treatment is closely monitored by your dentist or orthodontist, ensuring that each step is tailored to your unique needs. Regular in-person check-ins mean any necessary adjustments are made promptly, and you have a professional ensuring your treatment stays on track. This level of supervision can make a significant difference in your results.

Advanced Technology and Proven Track Record CandidPro is a newer player in the clear aligner market, and while it’s gaining attention, it doesn’t have the extensive history or technological advancements that Invisalign does. Invisalign has been around for over two decades and has treated millions of patients. It utilizes advanced SmartTrack material, which is designed to move teeth more predictably and comfortably.

Invisalign also offers additional options, like attachments and precision cuts, that allow for the treatment of more complex cases—something that CandidPro might struggle with. If you’re looking for a treatment plan that’s both tried-and-true and adaptable to various orthodontic challenges, Invisalign stands out as the more reliable choice.

Flexibility and Convenience CandidPro’s appeal often lies in its remote treatment model, but this convenience comes with limitations. You may have fewer opportunities to make adjustments or ask questions in person, which can be critical for ensuring your treatment is progressing as it should.

Invisalign combines flexibility with the reassurance of professional care. You’ll have the convenience of fewer in-office visits compared to traditional braces, but with the added benefit of knowing you can see your orthodontist if any issues arise. This blend of convenience and expert supervision is a key advantage of choosing Invisalign.

Cost and Value Both CandidPro and Invisalign offer competitive pricing, but when you consider the level of care, customization, and technology behind Invisalign, the value becomes clear. Invisalign’s comprehensive treatment plan ensures you’re getting the best possible outcome, and the investment in your smile is supported by years of proven success.

The Verdict: Why Invisalign is the Superior Choice While CandidPro offers an interesting alternative for those seeking clear aligners, Invisalign’s combination of personalized care, advanced technology, and a proven track record make it the superior choice for most patients. When it comes to your smile, you deserve the best—and Invisalign delivers results that you can trust.

If you’re considering clear aligners, talk to Dr. Jamielynn Hanam-Jahr at Beverly Hills Aesthetic Dentistry. With her extensive experience and commitment to personalized care, Dr. Hanam-Jahr will guide you through the Invisalign process, ensuring a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. She is dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible results, so you can feel confident in your smile every step of the way.

Act Now!

At Beverly Hills Aesthetic Dentistry, we know you want a smile that turns heads. To achieve that, you need effective, convenient orthodontic treatment. The problem is traditional braces can be uncomfortable and time-consuming, which makes you feel self-conscious and frustrated.

We believe everyone deserves a stunning smile without sacrificing comfort or convenience. We understand the challenges of orthodontic treatment, which is why our Beverly Hills celebrity dentist, Dr. Jamielynn Hanam-Jahr, offers Invisalign clear aligners.

Here's how we do it:

  1. Personalized Treatment: We create a custom plan tailored to your unique needs.
  2. Advanced Technology: We use Invisalign's AI-powered system for precise, efficient treatment.
  3. Ongoing Support: We provide continuous care with remote monitoring and check-ins.

So, schedule a consultation with Dr. Hanam-Jahr today. And in the meantime, visit our website to learn more about how Invisalign can transform your smile.

Stop hiding your smile and start showing it off with confidence, schedule a consultation today!

Invisalign costs Beverly Hills ca



Q: How long does CandidPro treatment typically take?

A: This may depend on your dentist in Beverly Hills but treatment length, like Invisalign, varies, but many patients see results in 6-12 months.

Q: Can CandidPro treat all orthodontic issues?

A: While effective for many cases, severe misalignments may require traditional braces.

Q: How often do I need to wear my CandidPro aligners?

A: For best results, wear your aligners 22 hours a day, similar to Invisalign, removing them only to eat and clean.

Q: Is CandidPro treatment painful?

A: Most patients experience mild discomfort when switching to new aligners, but it's typically less painful than traditional braces.

Q: How does CandidPro's remote monitoring work?

A: You'll use a smartphone app to take regular photos of your teeth, which are analyzed by AI and reviewed by your orthodontist.

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